Everyone likes to make their loved ones and friends happy for the New Year and Christmas. At the same time, for many people it is a challeng to think up a spectacular surprise for colleagues.

But it is not for the library winterer wizards of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi. Their greetings and unexpected holiday inventions always bring smiles to faces and joyful lights in eyes. 

On Tuesday morning, they set off on a journey again.
This day gifts and holiday wishes accompanied by Christmas and New Year melodies were received by librarians in the Korabelnyi district, Kulbakyne and Shyroka Balka library branches. The fairy-tale library chariot of the winter wizards was seen near the library branches No. 18, 14, 10 of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi.

The journey goes on!

Friends, wait for us! Be good!


More pictures here

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