Each of us has our own little Homeland, the threshold of the parent's home from which we took our first steps into such a distant, unknown world. And for each of us, it is our own, unique one.

Many people feel a pain in their hearts as soon as they hear the words - village, home, hut, which smells like mother's bread from the oven. Only here, in the village, you can admire the unique beauty of picturesque corners, freely communicate with the world around you, and understand nature with your soul and heart.
Over 1000 paintings, most of which are dedicated to unconditional, boundless love for the village, were created by the artist of the Cultural and Artistic Association "Art-Spokusa" Viktor Khiznichenko over almost 40 years of creative activity. On February 26, his personal exhibition "Waiting for Spring" opened in the library branch No. 5 of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi. The exhibition presents 10 painted canvases.
"In my opinion, these paintings really breathe spring, lifting our spirits. And those who see these paintings have hope that the coming spring will bring peace to our country," shares Victoria Ichanska, acting head of the library branch No. 5.
Colorful flowers near the house, a garden in spring in white, the hum of bees and the splash of a stream near the farmstead, a stork's nest and the croaking of a crane - such beauty can only be seen in the village. And it will not leave anyone indifferent, the author of the exhibition is convinced.
"This is probably still a way of life. Because where you were born, where you grew up. Where you lived all your life - this is a village. This is what we draw. What is dear to us. Let's say I can't draw city skyscrapers. They are strangers to me. But these small houses, all this - this is ours," emphasizes Viktor Khiznichenko.
The artist's exhibition "Waiting for Spring" will be on display at the library branch No. 5 throughout March. And in April, the artist promised to invite us all to his expanded exhibition.


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